Consumer Proposal and Bankruptcy Blog | Debt Solution FAQs

Our knowledgeable team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees provide information and expert advice to help you on your way to becoming debt free. Our extensive debt help resource centre includes articles, videos, and podcasts on how to get out of debt including commonly asked questions about consumer proposals, bankruptcy, and debt consolidation options. Become informed about credit rebuilding and other money management tips as you search for a solution to your debt problems.

GEM Debt Law Contract Review

This is yet another case of an individual struggling with debt, told to pay exorbitant fees to a debt settlement firm to deal with their debts. This time, the company was GEM Debt Law. We review the terms of the contract and explain why these debt consultants should be avoided.

York Credit Services Contract Review

Struggling with debt? Go directly to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Unlicensed debt consultants like York Credit Services will charge you extra fees just for a referral to an LIT. Here's a real story of someone who was scammed into paying an extra $800 for nothing.

Can You Stop Paying Bills Before Filing Bankruptcy?

If you decide you want to file for bankruptcy, that doesn't necessarily mean you can stop making debt payments. It'll depend on the debt and when you plan to file. Also, some debts can't be included in a bankruptcy. Learn which debts you can and can't stop paying before filing.

Who’s Filing Bankruptcy in Their 30s and Why?

Ideally, by age 30, you hope to have financial security and the ability to build wealth. But it's hard when you have student loans and other debts consuming your monthly income. Learn how an insolvency filing can give you a financial do-over so you can start reaching personal milestones sooner.

Why File Bankruptcy in Your 20s?

About 1 in 6 people who file a bankruptcy or consumer proposal are between the ages of 18-29. This blog outlines what kinds of debt leads to severe financial distress for younger individuals, and what you can do about it.