Our knowledgeable team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees provide information and expert advice to help you on your way to becoming debt free. Our extensive debt help resource centre includes articles, videos, and podcasts on how to get out of debt including commonly asked questions about consumer proposals, bankruptcy, and debt consolidation options. Become informed about credit rebuilding and other money management tips as you search for a solution to your debt problems.
If you own a business and had to borrow the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan during the COVID-19 pandemic, but are now struggling to repay, what are your options? Doug Hoyes explains how CEBA loan forgiveness works in this post.
A consumer proposal is a debt settlement plan. But what if you change your mind after filing? How do you withdraw a proposal and what does a cancelled proposal mean for your debts and credit report? Maureen Parent explains in this post.
Consumer insolvencies are on the rise again. In this year-end analysis, Doug Hoyes examines the affordability of consumer debt and changes in household credit patterns to explain why he thinks we'll keep seeing double-digit consumer insolvency growth increases into 2023.
Let's say you're in the middle of a consumer proposal plan and your financial situation changes, like you gain an inheritance, win the lottery, or get a big bonus from work, or if you become unemployed - what's the impact on your proposal? Maureen Parent explains in this post.
Many homeowners have expressed that they are facing financial hardship as a result of record interest rate hikes. So why are homeowner bankruptcy rates so low? Doug Hoyes explains the cycle in this post and when he expects homeowner insolvencies to rise.
Yes, the courts are involved in a consumer proposal - but only to an extent. In this post, we explain how exactly the courts are involved in a proposal, what a court approval means and whether you will have to go to court.
If you're in a cycle of debt, you know that inflation hasn't been helping your budget. In this post, we show you how to manage your monthly budget to successfully get out of debt. We also explain other way to achieve debt relief.
If you were hoping to pay down debt through a consolidation loan but were denied, fear not. In this post, we explain the common reasons why your lender may not have approved a debt consolidation and outline your debt relief alternatives.
You may already know that a consumer proposal can help you eliminate debt. In this post we explain the top laws and rules that come with a proposal filing so you have a better understanding of the process.
One option for dealing with your debt is to talk to your bank first. In this post, we outline the ways in which your bank may help you get out of debt, tips for how to approach them when asking for help, and what you can do if your bank refuses to provide debt relief.
If you face an income loss, fall behind on proposal payments and the proposal becomes annulled, what are your options? We explain what a proposal annulment means for your debts, how to revive your proposal, and how to prevent a proposal annulment in the first place.
You may be overwhelmed by debt and considering a debt settlement. In this post, we walk you through how to determine an affordable offer, the dos and don'ts of settling with your creditors, how to reduce debt by up to 80% and when working with an LIT is the right option.
In this comprehensive post, learn how your credit score is impacted, what brings a credit score up and down, and get the facts on common credit score myths. We also outline what lenders consider when approving new credit applications.
You may be considering a consumer proposal and wondering if it will impact your spouse. To help you get a better understanding, we explain how joint debts work, how your marital assets may be affected and how your spouse may be involved in the process. Learn more.
What are your options if CRA says you were ineligible and must repay CERB, CRB or other pandemic related benefits? Can you file a bankruptcy or proposal if you can't afford to pay back CERB? Doug Hoyes explains.
Your bank may be your biggest creditor in a consumer proposal. In this post, Doug Hoyes discusses what banks look for when reviewing proposals and Hoyes Michalos' process for ensuring consumer proposals are accepted by creditors.
We know it can be hard to go without a credit card when you file a bankruptcy or consumer proposal. We explain whether it's a good idea to get a credit card during your filing or immediately after and if you do get a card, which credit card issuers are best to start with.
If you've recently completed your consumer proposal - congratulations. Now it's time to plan for life post-proposal. We explain what you can expect, the steps you should take after completing your consumer proposal, and best practices for rebuilding your credit.
There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding why someone is driven to file for bankruptcy. In this post, we share a realistic sequence of events that leads someone down a path of financial instability and into our office for debt relief. We also explain what you can expect when you declare bankruptcy.
Many people struggle to repay their student debt even years after graduating due to inconsistent income or lack of gainful employment. Falling behind on student loan payments is not uncommon but it should be dealt with, especially if your loans are now in collection. We explain what creditors can do and how to get relief.