Our knowledgeable team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees provide information and expert advice to help you on your way to becoming debt free. Our extensive debt help resource centre includes articles, videos, and podcasts on how to get out of debt including commonly asked questions about consumer proposals, bankruptcy, and debt consolidation options. Become informed about credit rebuilding and other money management tips as you search for a solution to your debt problems.
What strategy you should you use to pay off debt - small balances or high interest debts? We explore the pros and cons of 2 common repayment approaches - debt snowball vs debt avalance - and provide tips to help you pay off debt faster.
Collection agencies in Canada can garnish your wages, but only after taking specific legal steps. Learn how often agencies actually pursue garnishment, what they must do before taking your wages, and what options you have to protect your paycheque.
Filing bankruptcy requires you to complete certain bankruptcy forms including a statement of affairs and income and expense report. We explain these forms starting with your initial assessment and how a Licensed Insolvency Trustee helps you complete them.
Considering walking away from a pre-con deal? Discover how the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act's debt relief options can help protect you from builder claims including consumer proposals, Division I proposals, and bankruptcy solutions to handle potential lawsuits when you can't close.
Learn how bankruptcy works for both debtors and creditors in Canada. Understand your rights, obligations and what to expect during the bankruptcy process.
When facing debt problems in Canada, knowing which professional to turn to is crucial for getting the right help. Learn the key differences between a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and bankruptcy lawyer, and discover when you need each one.
Learn about joint consumer proposals and when they make sense for couples with shared debt. Understand qualification requirements, benefits, risks, and alternatives. Discover if filing together is right for your situation or if individual debt solutions might work better.
Learn the truth about proposals. From upfront fees to credit ratings, government debts to assets, we clear up the most common misunderstandings about consumer proposals in Canada to help you make an informed decision about your debt relief options.
If you're struggling with car loan payments, learn what happens when you miss payments and understand your options. This guide explains your rights as a borrower, what lenders can legally do, and walks through all available solutions to deal with the situation and eliminate problem car loan debt.
Facing challenges closing your pre-construction condo purchase? This article explains why buyers struggle to close in today's market, what happens if you can't complete your purchase, and reviews your options - including both financing alternatives and debt relief solutions. Learn what professional help you need and when to seek advice.
Yes, you can get a car loan during and after a consumer proposal. Learn how to improve your approval chances, understand interest rates, and use car loan payments to rebuild your credit. Many Canadians successfully finance vehicles at both stages with proper preparation and realistic expectations.
Learn how to get relief from overwhelming car loan debt through a consumer proposal. Understand your options when you owe more than your car is worth, how to handle voluntary surrender, and include any remaining car loan balance in your proposal. A Licensed Insolvency Trustee can help you deal with unaffordable car payments and get a fresh financial start.
Learn if you can keep your car in a consumer proposal in Canada whether owned or finances. Understand provincial exemptions, secured debts, and key rules to protect your vehicle.
We often hear from clients who cashed in their RRSP to keep up with debt payments. The problem is, that doesn't always help. We explore reasons not to use money from your RRSP to pay down debt and what you can do instead.
Doug Hoyes explains the legal duties of the supplementary card holder in the event the primary card holder files for bankruptcy or a consumer proposal.
Have you recently been informed that your wages will be garnished for unpaid debts? We explain the wage garnishment process, who must give notice, who can bypass the court, and what to do when you receive notice of a wage garnishment.
Bankruptcy stops most wage garnishments through a stay of proceedings. Understand how bankruptcy can help resolve garnishment and collection issues and help you recover financially.
A consumer proposal is a legal process that can stop wage garnishments as soon as you file. Find out what types of garnishment orders we can stop and how.
Did you know that if you file for a consumer proposal your assets are fully protected? We break all the information down for you, from how a proposal affects your home, vehicle and other investments.
Debt relief programs have an effect on your credit report, including credit counselling. In this blog post find out how, and for how long, different debt relief programs can affect your credit rating.