Never Loan Money to Family and Friends
Is someone you love asking you for a loan? How can you tell if you are financially stable enough to help them or not? Doug Hoyes explores this topic and provides a real-life story from a client.
Our knowledgeable team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees provide information and expert advice to help you on your way to becoming debt free. Our extensive debt help resource centre includes articles, videos, and podcasts on how to get out of debt including commonly asked questions about consumer proposals, bankruptcy, and debt consolidation options. Become informed about credit rebuilding and other money management tips as you search for a solution to your debt problems.
Is someone you love asking you for a loan? How can you tell if you are financially stable enough to help them or not? Doug Hoyes explores this topic and provides a real-life story from a client.
Has a collector threatened you with wage garnishment, and you’re unsure of what it means? We’ll explain what kind of income and how much can be garnished, as well as what you can do to stop this action.
Bankruptcy law does not protect RDSPs but the courts have ruled that they are exempt assets. Learn what this means for your registered disability savings and your bankruptcy.
How does filing for a bankruptcy affect different registered financial accounts? Here is our comprehensive guide on how RRSPs, RRIFs, RDSPs, DPSPs, TFSAs, RESPs and others are treated in a bankruptcy.
Are you or someone you know filing bankruptcy and they have a share in a family cottage? Learn about how shared real estate is dealt with in a bankruptcy and other options you may have.
Will you lose everything if you file for bankruptcy in Ontario? We explain what assets you keep by law, what you may lose and an alternative option you may have so you can keep everything.
Do you want to learn effective and simple strategies that can help you avoid or solve unwanted debt problems? In this blog, we explore our top 10 tips you need to successfully navigate your debts.
Are you in your 20s, struggling with debt, and wondering if you should file for bankruptcy? Explore 3 important aspects you need to consider and how to ‘run the numbers’ before moving forward with this choice.
Are you filing a first or second bankruptcy and have questions about how long you will be bankrupt? Learn about the typical length of a bankruptcy, factors that may affect this length and if there are alternatives.
You may know your car lender has a right to repossess your vehicle if you don't make payments, but can other lenders (like a payday lender) make a claim on your car? We explain when this can happen & what to do.
Lenders might offer you more money to deal with your cash crunch, or to consolidation high interest loans like credit cards and payday loans. We explain when getting a new loan is a bad debt management option.
Do you have a loved one asking you for financial support? Learn about three personal stories from our clients, questions to ask yourself before lending money, and other ways you can help them out.
Are you struggling with inconsistent income and increasing debts? A consumer proposal may be a great option for your debt relief. This blog explains five things you need to know about them before filing.
If rising house prices has helped you build some equity in your home, is consolidating credit card and other consumer debt with a second mortgage worth it? Explore the pros and cons.
CRA tax debt problems can build up. Our experts, Doug Hoyes & Ian Martin talk about how to avoid a big tax obligation and what to do if you do face a large amount of taxes owing.
Are you struggling with debts that stem from gambling? Find out how one of our clients was able to eliminate his gambling debts through a consumer proposal and how he successfully rebuilt his credit.
Senior citizens are experiencing more financial hardships now than ever and they are a rising percentage of Canadians filing insolvency. Our experts talk about options for seniors facing insolvency.
Do you want to learn more about how insolvency can affect your home? This blog outlines Ontario’s exemption law on home equity, current mortgages, and strategies to plan your way out of debt while keeping your house.
How you finance a car purchase can lead to financial problems. Find out how longer term car loans and rollovers are contributing to loan shortfalls and insolvency filings.
Are you raising children in a single income household? We explore a case report from one of our clients in this situation and provide you with 5 steps to create a successful budget for your family.
Have you turned to credit cards or payday loans to help with your monthly expenses? Explore the warning signs that you're falling into debt, how to re-balance your budget and options you have to deal with your debts.