Consumer Proposal and Bankruptcy Blog | Debt Solution FAQs

Our knowledgeable team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees provide information and expert advice to help you on your way to becoming debt free. Our extensive debt help resource centre includes articles, videos, and podcasts on how to get out of debt including commonly asked questions about consumer proposals, bankruptcy, and debt consolidation options. Become informed about credit rebuilding and other money management tips as you search for a solution to your debt problems.

Which Debts Should You Pay First?

If you have multiple debts, you need a plan for repayment. We explain whether you should pay high dollar or high interest debts first, when to use balance transfers and what to do when balances are too large.

Is a Bad Credit Score Good for You?

What is the significance of a good credit score? Is having a low score really bad? Our experts explain credit scores, when a poor score may be okay and the downfalls of credit repair companies.