One option for dealing with your debt is to talk to your bank first. In this post, we outline the ways in which your bank may help you get out of debt, tips for how to approach them when asking for help, and what you can do if your bank refuses to provide debt relief.
If you're overwhelmed with debt, this post will help you decide whether you should file a bankruptcy or deal with your debts via a debt management plan by reviewing key questions, as you would in a real debt assessment with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Learn which debt relief option is right for you.
We know it can be stressful when you're unable to make your credit card payments. In this post, we help you understand the potential consequences if you fall behind on your credit card debt, as well as, options for eliminating debt.
Struggling to pay your mortgage or have you already fallen behind? Don't worry, you have options available, including refinancing problem debt, selling your home, or filing a consumer proposal to get rid of unsecured debt to allow for more comfortable payment of your mortgage.
About 1 in 6 people who file a bankruptcy or consumer proposal are between the ages of 18-29. This blog outlines what kinds of debt leads to severe financial distress for younger individuals, and what you can do about it.
The Emergency Loan for Canadians Abroad program has issued repayment requests to recipients to pay in full within 180 days. Here, we explore what to do if the allotted time passes and you have unpaid debts.
Doug Hoyes explains what happens with your principle balance and interest rates when you can’t afford your deferred mortgage payments. Learn about options you have to help you move forward.
Lacking the financial knowledge of how to successfully solve your debt issues? Explore the most common barriers Canadians face when paying down debt and discover steps on how to better manage your balances.
The utilization of CERB payments for eligible Canadian’s counts as taxable income. We explain your options if you can't pay your CERB or CRB tax obligations.
Owing money to the CRA can be stressful, especially as penalties and interest begin. We’ll show you what options are available to you if you can’t afford those payments and what your next steps should be.
Lots of young Canadians are struggling with repaying their student loans for a variety of reasons. But does consolidating government student debt make sense and what other options do you have?
A common, but false, tactic debt collectors use to scare is the threat of jail for unpaid debts. Unless you have committed fraud, find out why jail is not a risk if you default on your debt payments.
Debt ads up over time. Spot the warning signs of debt problems so you can stop the slide into insolvency if possible. We explore what you can do if you struggle with debt repayment.
Will selling your assets be the solution to your debt problems? What assets should you never liquidate to pay off debt? Doug Hoyes and Ted Michalos explain how to pay off debt and keep key assets.
Do you have a financial goal and are struggling to stick with it? We explain differences between setting goals vs systems, and the benefits of using a system approach to get yourself out of debt.
Do you have unpaid debts piling up and have recently received some unexpected income? Find out 9 ways to spend this money efficiently and how to avoid common mistakes we see when people get a bonus.
Have you missed several months of debt payments and wonder what the implications are? We explore what it means to default on a loan, how it affects your credit, what options you have and more.
Are you unable to meet your mortgage payments, and are wondering what options you have next? Doug Hoyes explains mortgage shortfalls, full recourse mortgage laws in Canada and how to manage them.
If you have multiple debts, you need a plan for repayment. We explain whether you should pay high dollar or high interest debts first, when to use balance transfers and what to do when balances are too large.
How do you pay off a large sum of debt, say $20,000 or $30,000 or even $50,000? Doug Hoyes explains what you need to consider when tackling big debt loads.
Banks want you to pay more in interest, which is why they only ask you to pay the minimum balance each month. Find out how minimum payments keep you in debt and how to pay down credit card debt successfully.