Effective Strategies for Managing and Reducing Debt

Learn effective strategies for managing and overcoming debt in Canada. Discover practical tips for creating a budget, prioritizing debts, and negotiating with creditors. Understand the importance of distinguishing between good and bad debt. Explore techniques for reducing expenses, increasing income, and avoiding common debt traps. Get information on how to read and understand your credit report, and learn about your rights when dealing with collection agencies. Discover the psychological impacts of debt and strategies for maintaining financial well-being. This section provides valuable insights and actionable advice to help you take control of your finances and work towards a debt-free future.

Struggling to manage your debt? Book a free consultation with Hoyes Michalos. Our Licensed Insolvency Trustees can provide expert advice on dealing with debt and help you develop a personalized action plan.

Should I Use My RRSP to Pay Off Debt?

We often hear from clients who cashed in their RRSP to keep up with debt payments. The problem is, that doesn't always help. We explore reasons not to use money from your RRSP to pay down debt and what you can do instead.

Can Your Bank Help You with Your Debt?

One option for dealing with your debt is to talk to your bank first. In this post, we outline the ways in which your bank may help you get out of debt, tips for how to approach them when asking for help, and what you can do if your bank refuses to provide debt relief.

Why File Bankruptcy in Your 20s?

About 1 in 6 people who file a bankruptcy or consumer proposal are between the ages of 18-29. This blog outlines what kinds of debt leads to severe financial distress for younger individuals, and what you can do about it.