Bankruptcy provides protection from collection calls, however not all creditors get the message. Find out the three things to say if a collection agent calls you and when to turn to your trustee for help.
Are you receiving intimidating calls from collection agents? How do you respond to them? Find out 8 dirty tricks collections agents use in conversation, and how you can handle and stop these calls.
If your creditors don't have options to collect you are considered creditor proof. When does this happen and what does that mean in terms of whether you should file bankruptcy or not?
We highly recommend opening an account at a different bank during insolvency. Our experts divulge reasons why you should switch banks, common concerns when it comes to this and what happens if you don’t.
It can be stressful having collections agents threatening you for unpaid debts. Learn what your rights are as a debtor, how to protect yourself from creditors and what to do if actions have been taken.
Wage garnishment is one of the legal actions your creditors can take when you have unpaid debts. Find out everything you need to know about this legal proceeding and how bankruptcy can stop this.
If your creditors have already obtained a garnishee in court, there are two alternative options you have instead of paying it. We’ll explain ways you can make a deal with your creditors in this blog.
As a government agency, CMHC can keep your tax refund if you them money. Find out how this debt, like any government debt, can be eliminated through a bankruptcy or proposal.
Have you signed a voluntary wage assignment with a payday loan company or other creditor? Find out how you can revoke this assignment or stop a garnishment by filing bankruptcy if you can't repay.